Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Spring Treat!

Made this cake for my dad's Birthday party yesterday. Yummy!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I went to get a potatoe, and look what I found! I had totally forgot we had these!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

July Vacation

This is Where we are headed for our July Family vacation!! We are super excited and have been wanting to do this vacation for three years. We can't believe we FINALLY can! we will be going July 1 - July 6th! We are excited that we will be there for the 4th! If anyone has any "tips" or stories about their visit to the falls, it would be appreciated!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Crazy Squirrel

(Not a picture of the real squirrel that was here) Today I was surprised to see a cop and two people from the school next door, in our driveway. They had boxes and a dog catcher "thing". I had no idea what was going on, then was nicely told by a teacher that a "crazy" squirrel was in our driveway. It was reported that the squirrel was attacking people!! The kids and I shut all the house doors and watched out the windows as they men chased the squirrel to our back yard and up a tree. The squirrel was fiesty and kept jumping at the men then away. When Joslyn came home from school she was excited to tell me about the announcement that was made at school and how the squirrel was hit with pepper spray. The Squirrel is still out there, they were unable to catch him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Why is it so hard to get a decent photo of 3 kids at once?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Tonight we had stuffed pork chops. As a "side" we had mac & cheese with broccoli! It was so good! It's pretty easy to make the stuffed chops. I use a box of stove top stuffing and make according to the box. then I slice open the chops and stuff them with the stuffing. bake for 45 minutes at 350! for the mac and cheese with broccoli, it's easy! box or homemade mac and cheese and toss in some cooked broccoli!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sloppy Dinner

Tonights dinner: Sloppy Joe topped with Cornbread! Read under the picture for the "how to" (it's pretty self explainitory to look at the picture too) *Note* this is NOT the dish I made, just a picture I googled* 1.) make your favorite sloppy Joe mix - I used the canned manwich and obviously ground beef. 2.) put cooked sloppy Joe in baking dish 3.) top with your favorite cornbread mix (I used jiffy) 4.) cook until the cornbread is golden brown (time will vary depending on size of dish etc... *hint* double sloppy joe and cornbread mixes for larger dishes.

We Are Back!

When we started to blog we were so into it. We posted at least 3 times a week and loved sharing our day to day stuff. Somewhere in there we got lost in Facebook and forgot all about our blog. Today we decided to log into the blog, clean it up some and redecorate! Hope you all enjoy it! We hope to start posting frequently again!